
The graduate course in physics at UFRJ was created in the seventies. The Master program was accredited in 1978 by the Federal Council of Education. From 1970 to 2012, 272 dissertations were defended. The Doctoral program began in 1979 and was accredited in 1983. From then until the end of 2012, 236 doctoral theses were defended.

Research at IF-UFRJ is funded by the state agency FAPERJ and several federal agencies, including CNPq, FINEP (Ministery of Science and Technology) and CAPES (Ministery of Education). The latter also supports the graduate program with research grants for students through the funding program PROEX. The first research laboratories were created in the 70s and different experimental and theoretical groups were organized. Since the mid 90s, research was reinforced with the admission of new faculty members. Several laboratories were created around this time: the Atomic and Molecular Collisions Lab (LACAM), the Quantum Optics Lab (LQO), Optical Tweezers Lab (LPO) , the Super-Spectroscopy Lab – LASER (cold atoms), among others.

Our graduate course has been funded by the PROEX-CAPES federal program, which promotes graduate programs graded 6 or 7 (highest grades), since its creation in the late 90s. This set of projects ensures the continuity of the research activities carried out at IF-UFRJ and has, in the recent past, promoted a significant expansion of the infrastructure of our research laboratories and computing capacity.